What is the project Broken Sword 2.5?
Broken Sword 2.5 is a game programmed from fans for fans. It is an inofficial sequel of the other two Broken Sword games from Revolution Software.

Why is it freeware? Is it possible to donate money?
The names, some graphics an other things are protected by copyright, so we don't sale the game.

Is there any chance of a demo?
Yes, there is a demo version available on our servers.

Is there any release date?
Good news: Broken Sword 2.5 was released on September, 28th in 2008. It is freeware and you can download it from our website.

And Broken Sword 2.5 is only developed for…
… the PC. First of all we do a version for Windows based systems. Perhaps we'll make a Linux- and Mac port later. Our fan george_linux found a way to play our demo on linux based systems. Follow this link to read his instructions.

What about the hardware requirements?
We can't specify the requirements. Please ensure to use a newer OS than Windows 98.

The download is too large for me! Is there another way to get a copy of the game?
Yes! It will be available as a free bonus in some german magazines.

In which way are the locations different in regards to Broken Sword 1 & 2?
We will connect new elements with old ones. So you will discover old things in Paris again, you will get to know the variety of England and you will feel the hot sun over Asia. Thereby we set store by a lot of details which is similar to Broken Sword 1 & 2. The individual locations shall be presented authentically and believably. |