A dreadful thing happened. Flap and Guido broke into our office at the beginning of the week. They left an enormous chaos and stole all of the hard-drives including our project data. After arriving at the place on Tuesday morning, we only found a note from the scoundrels.
Our team started the investigation immediately. This morning we traced Flap and Guido near the Franco-German border. They've stolen our company car, too, which led us to them. Luckily, the game data is ours again. Back at the mindFactory office: After retrieving the game data this morning, we found out that the story is completely messed up. At some points the story isn't clear for the player. Consequently, we decided not to release the game as it is on the 21st of August.
This being the case, we decided to fix these errors. As a result, your game experience will improve. Since there's not much time left until the release, we need your help hunting the bugs in Broken Sword 2.5. So, we are asking you for assistance. Write an application as a beta tester between the 1st of August and the 21st of August. Further explanations are below. The beta testing is necessary and takes time. The testing period ends on the 27th of September and shortly afterwards Broken Sword 2.5 will be published.
You can apply from the 1st of August in our forum (and only there), therefore you need to have an account there. So, create dxdiag.txt file with the DirextX Diagnostic Tool, which should be installed on your computer (from the start menu, choose run; type "dxdiag"; when the diagnostic tool launches, click "Save All Information" and save the dxdiag.txt file wherever you like). Then write a private message to a group named "Beta-Tester" (go to your private messages, click "New message" and there will be a box, in which you can select a group "Beta-Tester"; or click on the link) with the information from the dxdiag.txt file in the content. That's it. On the 21st of August you will be informed (by a PM) whether you were accepted as a tester (sorry, but we can't accept all of the applications).
We are terribly sorry to postpone the release date, but since we want to answer your hopes, we have no choice. So, we would like to appologize to those who are so eagerly waiting for the new comic-style broken sword game and have already waited for so long. Just wait a wee bit longer.

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